​The Ministry
That all Mauritians have access to gainful and productive employment and that the work environment be safe and conflict-free.
Promote decent work, support employers and wor​kers in creating a safe, conflict-free and productive workplace and facilitate access to gainful employment.
  •  * Integrity: 
  •     we are guided by the highest standards of professional ethics.
  •  * Quality: 
  •     we are result-oriented and are committed to provide services of the highest quality in a timely manner.
  •  ​* Team spirit: 
  •     ​we foster teamwork and the sharing of information and resources.
The general public.
All workers and employers.
All organisations of workers and employers.​
* All associations.

In 1938, the Hooper Commission recommended the setting up of a Labour Department to assist and advise employees in their relationship with their employers and to regulate labour conditions.​ 
*    In 1957, the Ministry of Labour was first set up on the institution of the Ministerial system and subsequently functioned as the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and was, therefore, responsible for labour, public assistance and social welfare. 
*    In February 1974, the mandate of the Ministry was revisited and it became the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations responsible for Labour and Industrial Relations in the private sector. 
*    Subsequently, in January 1986, following the merger with the Ministry of Women’s Rights and Family Welfare, the Ministry was renamed the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations, Women’s Rights and Family Welfare. However, for administrative purposes, the Ministry continued to operate as two separate and distinct Divisions, namely Labour and Industrial Relations Division and Women’s Rights and Family Welfare Division. 
*    As from September 1991, the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations was again established as a separate Ministry. 
*    ​Then as from 23 December 2003 following a Cabinet reshuffle, the Employment Division was attached to the Ministry which is now known as the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment & Training.
*     Today the Ministry title is Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations.

(a) To promote industrial peace and harmony and to protect the fundamental rights and dignity of workers. 
(b) To enhance productivity and the general​ well-being of the workforce through the improvement in the standards of safety and health and prevention of occupational diseases and injuries at the workplace. 
(c) To facilitate the employment of jobseekers, provide assistance and guidance with regard to employment prospects and facilitate the employment of non-citizens, where required. ​
(d) To regulate the functioning of associations and trade unions. 
(e) To regulate the operation of recruitment agen​cies involved in the recruitment of Mauritians for employment locally and/or 
overseas and the recruitment of non-citizens for employment in Mauritius .​