Commission for Conciliation and Mediation
The Commission for Conciliation and Mediation has been established under Section 87 of the Employment Relations Act 2008, (as amended), thereby replacing the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) which was established under Section 41 of the repealed Industrial Relations Act 1973.
The main function of the Commission for Conciliation and Mediation is to provide conciliation, mediation and advisory services for the promotion and the improvement of employment relations at the workplace.
Our vision
To gain recognition and value from all stakeholders for fostering sound, harmonious and peaceful relations in the working arena.
Our mission
To resolve labour conflict in mutual respect with minimum legal formalities.
Our aim
To continually improve our service delivery in improving working life and encouraging fair labour practices.
The Quality Policy Statement
We at the CCM are committed to providing quality service for the conciliation and mediation of disputes, through a highly qualified and dedicated workforce and the use of latest technology, in line with our strategic direction and in the context within which we operate.
In so doing, we shall ensure that we comply with all applicable requirements and we shall strive to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
We are committed in using this Quality Policy as a framework for setting and reviewing Quality objectives.
We want to make the CCM a reference in the field of conciliation and mediation to promote harmonious and sound employment relations in the country.
Our values
- Neutrality
- Confidentiality
- Team Spirit
- Responsiveness
- Timeliness
Composition of the Board
Mrs H. Prayag-Poonith (Acting Pesident)
Representative of Workers
Mr P. Yvon
Mr J. Hurry
Representative of Employer
- Mr K. T. Appadu
Independent members
Mr D. Amavasee
Technical Staff
Mr R Kurrimbux Manager Human Resources
Mrs P Seewoogoolam Senior Labour & Industrial Relations Officer
Mrs Z Gokhool Human Resources Executive
Miss V Aukhaj Labour & Industrial Relations Officer
Mr P. Behary Labour & Industrial Relations Officer
- Mrs D R Buddhu Labour & Industrial Relations Officer
Labour Dispute FORM
Feedback FORM
Office Address: Silvercrest Court 16, Monseigneur Gonin Street, Port-Louis
Tel: 213 3600 Fax: 2134969