Labour Advisory Council


The Labour Advisory Council is established under section 64 of t​he Employment Rights Act 2008. Section 65 of the act provides that the council shall advise the Minister on any matter relating to labour and employment including, amongst others, the following :- ​


The review of the operation and enforcement of the Act and any other enactment relating to employment rights;

Government replies to questionnaires concerning items on the agenda of the International Labour Conference and Government comments on proposed texts to be discussed by the Conference​
proposals to be made in connection with the submission of International Labour Organisation Conventions and Recommendations to the National Assembly​
*​​the re-examination of unratified International Labour Organisation Conventions and of Recommendations to which effect has not yet been given and consideration of measures to be taken to promote their implementation or ratification.​
Section 64(2) of the Act provides that the Labour Advisory Council shall consist of an equal number of public officers, representatives of employers and representatives of workers and that the council shall be appointed by the Minister for such period and on such ​terms and conditions as he may deem determine . The composition of the Labour Advisory Council as last reconstituted on 04 May 2013 is as follows:-​​
Public Officers:
Director, Labour & Industrial Relations, Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development & Training (Chairperson);
Representative of Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Industry Division);
Representative of Ministry of Civil Service & Administrative Reforms;
Representative of Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity & Reform Institutions;
Representative of Ministry of Health & Quality of Life;
Representative of Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development & Family Welfare.
Representative of Employers: 
Mr. Andy Ryan Hau Kee Hee
Mr. Pradeep Dursun
Mr. Ridwan Khan Jadhakhan
Mr. Dayanund Koob​rawa
Mrs. karuna Persand
Ms Cindy Dove
Representative of Workers: 
Mr. Pranjeewan Ramjuttun
Mr. Reeaz Chuttoo
Mr. Suray Ray
Mr. Radhakrisna Sadien
Mr. bhojeparsad Jhugdamby 
Mr. Atma Shanto