1. From where can I obtain information relating to occupational safety and health issues?
Occupational Safety and Health Division
Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training (Labour Division)
Level 3, Victoria House,
Corner St Louis & Barracks Streets,
Tel: 207 2600
Fax: 207 2630
2. Where can I get the downloadable forms regarding occupational safety and health?
- From the website of the Ministry:
- List of downloadable forms available:
1. Application for the registration of a factory .
2. Application for registration to practise as a Safety and Health Officer.
3. Form for the notification for the registration of steam boiler.
4. Application for Lodging Accommodation Permit .
5. Application for Scaffold Contractor's Permit.
6. Notice in relation to the examination of a lift.
7. Report of examination in respect of a hoist or lift.
8. Report of accident and dangerous occurrence.
9. Report of examination in respect of an air receiver.
10. Report of examination in respect of a crane or lifting machine .
11. Report of examination in respect of an escalator .
12. Report of examination in respect of a refrigeration plant.
13. Report of examination in respect of a steam boiler when cold/ under steam pressure.
14. Report in respect of thorough examination of steam receiver.
15. Report of examination in respect of a vehicle lift.
1. Do I have to apply for the registration of my factory if I do not have any employee?
2. What documents should accompany my application for registration of factory?
(i) site and location plan;
(ii) layout plan of the factory;
(iii) copy of business registration card (BRC);
(iv) copy of certificate of incorporation;
(v) copy of national identity card (NIC) for individual; and
(vi) any additional document or information that may be required.
Note: Original documents should be produced for verification when requested.
3. What is the fee payable for the registration of a factory?
The fees payable for the registration of a factory are as follows:
- 1-50 employees: Rs550/-
- 51-100 employees: Rs1,100/-
- 101-500 employees: Rs 2,750/-
- 501-1,000 employees: Rs3,850/-
- More than 1000 employees: Rs5,500/-
4. When is a surcharge payable on the registration fees of a factory?
A surcharge of 50% of the prescribed fee is payable if the application is submitted less than 30 days before the expiry of the current certificate.
Note: An application for the renewal of a certificate of registration of a factory should be submitted not later than 30 days before the expiry of the current certificate.
1. What is the prescribed delay to apply for registration to practise as a Safety and Health Officer?
Within a period of 14 days following:
(i) employment by an employer;
(ii) changes in your existing certificate of registration relating to your employment as Safety and Health Officer.
2. What documents should accompany my application for registration to practise as Safety and Health Officer?
Duly filled application form set out in the Sixteenth Schedule of the OSHA 2005;
(The application form can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry)
- Copy of letter of offer of employment indicating, amongst others, the following information:
- number of employees for each place(s) of work;
- address(es) of place(s) of work for each employer; and
- work schedule.
- Copy of contract of employment indicating, amongst others, the following information:
(a) duties of SHO as per section 20 of OSHA 2005;
(b) duration of contract of employment; and
(c) hours of work;
- copy of business registration card (BRC) of employer;
- copy of certificate of incorporation of employer, if a company;
- copy of national identity card (NIC) of employer, if employer is operating on personal name;
- copy of national identity card (NIC) of applicant;
- copy of educational certificate of applicant;
- letter of authorisation from full-time employer if applicant will perform as a Safety and Health Officer on a part-time basis (if applicable);
- letter of cessation (in case the applicant has ceased employment with an employer);
- work programme as per section 30(8) of OSHA 2005 (if part-time);
- original of previous certificate of registration; and
- any additional document or information that may be required.
Note: Original documents should be produced for verification when requested.
3. What are the fees payable for registration to practice as a Safety and Health Officer?
(i) Rs550/- for first time application; and
(ii) Rs330/- for any application thereafter.
1. When should I apply for registration of my steam boiler?
When it is installed for the first time or when transferred from one place to another or from one owner to another.
2. Is any fee payable for the registration of a steam boiler?
A fee of Rs1,650/- is payable upon approval of the application form.
1. When is a Factory Building Permit required?
The application for a Factory Building Permit should be made at least 30 days before commencing construction of the factory or building appurtenant to a factory.
2. What supporting documents are required for a Factory Building Permit?
Documents required to support an application for a Factory Building Permit are
- a letter informing about the construction of the factory or building appurtenant to a factory along with the following documents:
- site and location plans together with detailed drawings showing elevation, sections and plans of each floor of the factory or building drawn to scale, with proposed layouts of machinery and welfare facilities;
- copy of business registration card (BRC);
- copy of certificate of incorporation of company;
- copy of national identity card (NIC) for application made under personal name; and
- any additional document or information that may be required.
Note: Original documents to be produced for verification when requested.
3. What is the fee payable to obtain a Factory Building Permit?
A fee of Rs1,650/- is payable upon approval of the application.
1. When should an employer apply for a Lodging Accommodation Permit?
When an employer intends to use a building as lodging accommodation for his employees, he should apply for a Lodging Accommodation Permit in respect of the building.
2. What supporting documents should be submitted when applying for a Lodging Accommodation Permit?
- Duly filled in application form;
- Health clearance issued by the Ministry of Health and Wellness;
- Fire clearance issued by the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service;
- Site and layout plan of the building to be used as employees' lodging accommodation;
- Copy of business registration card (BRC);
- Copy of certificate of incorporation of company;
- Copy of national identity card (NIC) for application made under personal name; and
- Any additional document or information that may be required.
Note 1: Fresh clearances from Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service and Ministry of Health and Wellness need to be submitted when applying for renewal of Lodging Accommodation Permit.
Note 2: Original documents should be produced for verification when requested.
3. What is the fee payable in relation to a Lodging Accommodation Permit?
- A non-refundable processing fee of Rs500/- is payable on submission of application for a lodging accommodation permit.
- Upon approval of the application for Lodging Accommodation Permit, the following fees are applicable:
No. of lodgers Fee payable (Rs)
(i) 1 to 50 3,000
(ii) 51 to 100 5,000
(iii) 101 to 500 8,000
(iv) more than 500 10,000
4. When is a surcharge payable in relation to the renewal of a Lodging Accommodation Permit?
If the application for renewal is made after expiry of the Lodging Accommodation Permit, a surcharge of 50 % of the prescribed fee shall be payable.
Note: An application for the renewal of a Lodging Accommodation Permit should be submitted within 3 months before the date of expiry of the valid permit.
1. When should an employer apply for a Scaffold Contractor's Permit?
When a scaffold is more than 6 metres in height or is erected on cantilever.
2. What supporting documents should be submitted when applying for Scaffold Contractor's Permit?
- duly filled in application form;
- a copy of business registration card (BRC);
- a copy of certificate of incorporation;
- a copy of national identity card (NIC) if made by an individual;
- a copy of the document mentioning the Employer Registration Number issued by the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA);
- copy of contract of employment of Scaffold Supervisor;
- a copy of the National Certificate Level 4 in Scaffolding (NC4) from a recognised institution held by the Scaffold Supervisor; and
- any additional document or information that may be required.
Note: Original documents should be produced for verification when requested.
3. What is the fee payable in relation to a Scaffold Contractor's Permit?
- a non-refundable fee of Rs 2000 payable on submission of the application form; and
- a fee of Rs 10,000 is payable upon approval of the application for the Scaffold Contractor's Permit.
1. What types of injuries should be notified and reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Division?
Any injury including death of an employee or any other accident at work entailing:
(i) Fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis.
(ii) Fracture of any bone –
- in the arm or wrist, but not a bone in the hand; or
- in the leg or ankle, but not a bone in the foot.
(iii) Amputation of-
- a hand or foot; or
- a finger, thumb or toe, or any part thereof if the joint or bone is completely severed.
(iv) The loss of sight of an eye, a penetrating injury to an eye, or a chemical or hot metal burn to an eye.
(v) Either injury (including burns) requiring immediate medical treatment, or loss of consciousness, resulting in either case from an electric shock from any electrical circuit or equipment, whether or not due to direct contact.
(vi) Loss of consciousness resulting from lack of oxygen.
(vii) Decompression sickness.
(viii) Either acute illness requiring medical treatment, or loss of consciousness, resulting in either case from the absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin.
(ix)Acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a pathogen or infected material.
(x) Any other injury as a result of which the injured person being admitted into hospital for more than 24 hours.
2. When should I notify and report an accident at work under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005?
Whenever an employee sustains an injury, mentioned in paragraph 1 above, arising out of or in connection with his work, the accident should be notified to the Director, Occupational Safety and Health, forthwith by the quickest practicable means and a report thereof submitted on the prescribed form available on the Ministry's website not less than 7 days of the occurrence of the accident.
- What is the frequency of examination of a steam boiler and/or machinery, by a registered boiler or machinery inspector, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005?
- Cranes and other lifting machines to be examined at least once every 12 months;
- Vehicle lifts to be examined at least once every 6 months;
- Hoists and lifts to be examined at least once every 6 months;
- Escalators to be examined at least once every 6 months;
- Air receivers to be examined at least once every 12 months(air receivers of solid drawn construction to be examined at least once every 24 months);
- Refrigeration plants to be examined at least once every 12 months;
- Steam boilers to be examined at least once every 12 months;
- Steam receivers to be examined at least once every 24 months.
This is only a guidance for employers, employees and stakeholders. For further information, you may consult the existing Occupational Safety and Health legislation or contact an officer of the Occupational Safety and Health Division on 207-2600.
Occupational Safety and Health Division
05 September 2022